
How Long Does Razer Take To Restock

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  1. Hey guys, I was looking on the Razer shop as I am looking to buy the 512GB RBS but information technology seems to be out of stock and and so I noticed pretty much all the Razer Bract(south) were out of stock too. So I was wondering, how frequently do Razer restock systems?
  2. Razer unremarkably re-stocks every couple days or to a week so just be patient and Im sure systems will exist in stock presently :)
  3. Sweet, thank you homo, appreciate the data
  4. I'thousand also waiting for the RBS in QHD 128 GB... Going to replace the SDD anyway... Its just not available... Anyone knows how fast they put information technology dorsum in? And is in that location whatsoever take chances that the QHD + Core Philharmonic comes back for the aforementioned price? :slightly_sad:
  5. Well I'1000 not certain about the "restocking" fourth dimension. I had ordered an RBS in early November and received it about 7 days subsequently or and so (including weekend) and I believe it was shipped from Hong Kong or something. I don't call up they have an official store/warehouse in the Britain (although they import it through a company called Digital River in Republic of ireland if I recall correctly). Then I'm not sure why you lot should be waiting for restocking of the RBS. You should, yet, know that there is a buzzing sound coming from the top left side of the laptop which razer released a BIOS update for (near likely yesterday) and and then far requires y'all to ship your RBS to repair (in Germany since they don't have a repair center in the UK). I'm still emailing support in hope of an alternative solution though. Maybe that'southward the reason they're making you wait for "restocking"; to update the BIOS before sending any more RBS'southward out!
  6. Sorry, I guess I wasn't clear, I just meant on their Uk online store crusade there are different online stores for different regions. Although the actual product as y'all highlighted came from somewhere that was not the Britain, on their online United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland shop it nevertheless says they are sold out of 512GB RBS Systems. Cheers for giving more insight into what could be the problem though, that is adept to know
  7. aha seems like the simply i currently out of stock is the 512gb QHD version =/ the residual seem to be in stock though every bit far every bit I can tell
  8. The Single Versions are available at present in Germany, the bundles are not though :-( Sadly...
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How Long Does Razer Take To Restock,


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