
How To Start Making Leather Goods

So you're excited about starting leather craft, and thinking about jumping in and making some pieces; awesome! But, where do you begin and will you really like it? Hither are a few things to think through when you lot're but getting started:

Volition I Really Enjoy Starting Leather Arts and crafts?

We might go into a new hobby thinking it's going to be the coolest thing ever, and then we become all the best gear, then realize information technology wasn't as exciting equally we thought – now nosotros've sunk a lot of cash into things we won't apply. If leather arts and crafts ends up being something you lot actually love, cracking! It could last a lifetime.

Give yourself time to explore. A adept approach would be to purchase only the minimal amount of leather tools to effort the next level of craft that is new to you (meliorate to spend $50 to acquire if you lot similar it than $200, or $two,000). For example, maybe get-go on a unproblematic belt (that's what I did). Click here if you'd like to run across the detailed guide I wrote about leather working tools.

As a total beginner, I got a few tools including a leather belt bare, hole dial, skiving tool, edger, and a burnisher (don't worry, we'll go into these in more than detail, for now all y'all need to know is that information technology's only a handful of tools). It gave me the opportunity to get a feel for the leather, how it worked in the easily, the feel of the tools, and the sense if I enjoyed the work. Since I didn't invest a lot, no pressure if I didn't like it.

I concluded upward enjoying it, and that was great, since I got fifty-fifty more excited to larn about and get additional tools to try out new things (leather dye, finisher, buckles, riveting). I ended up with a wearable chugalug that surprising to me haha, looked like an actual belt – pretty cool! 🙂 Also, I had a tiny flake of experience now that helped guide choosing the adjacent tools. You tin can do the aforementioned, start modest. If information technology fells skillful, take the adjacent step and use the experience you've gained to aid. It volition be a much more rewarding journey since you'll feel more than confident and be more informed.

Note: Buying low-quality tools could chance turning you lot off to leather piece of work altogether – since we're just offset nosotros don't really know the difference between our lack of skill vs. a poorly crafted tool, and tin easily get frustrated. A good (not necessarily expensive) tool makes all the departure in feel and concluding quality, and tin can permit you lot focus on getting better (instead of existence express by the tools). For a guide to the specific tools I similar the most, click hither.

Starting Leather Craft - Leather Making Tools

Starting Leather Craft – Leather Making Tools

What Blazon of Leather Working am I Most Interested In?

The leather tools yous'll initially look for differ based on the blazon of leather piece of work you want to endeavor. For example a belt won't require stitching (yous can of course include it if you'd like), whereas a small wallet will likely require stitching and the associated tools for marking/making holes, needles, thread, stitching pony to hold information technology while sewing, etc.

So first think about what bones item you'd like to brand, then utilise that as a guide for the tools you'll initially need. Keeping it unproblematic and fun to start will allow you to focus on enjoying the leather craft itself. Once you lot gain a little experience you'll know if you lot want to pursue that area of leather craft more, try a different i, or mayhap feel that it isn't equally exciting as you originally thought (though I imagine once y'all make a cool slice, you might simply love it forever 🙂 ). A few areas to explore include:

  • Basic piece of work – Cutting, sewing, finishing, etc.
  • Pyrograpy – Drawing on leather with a hot needle
  • Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation Cutting & Etching – Cutting leather with a laser cut auto (instead of by hand with a pocketknife), and carving, where the laser cutting machine etches a pattern or design into the leather, without cutting straight through it
  • Molding & Shaping – Soaking leather in water and then shaping it around molds or forms
  • Stamping – using stamps to imprint designs onto leather
  • Perforation – Decorative technique making many purposefully placed holes in a piece or pieces of leather
  • Etching – Cutting away pieces of leather to leave a three-dimensional blueprint
  • Painting – Applying pigment to leather pieces
  • Dyeing – Changing the color of leather via pigments

Where Tin I Go for Aid to Learn More Virtually Leather Craft?

The leather community! It's a really interesting group of folks. I'll share below links to a few of the people I have been watching and learning from. At that place are many keen resources out there and information technology's so dandy how positive, supportive, and collaborative they seem to be. I recall it'southward really important that the maker customs build each other up (Parker from Stock & Butt speaks a lot about this), and the leather community seems to be have an splendid momentum going.

  • Stock & Barrel – Ogden, UT, USA: The YouTube channel has some great content, tips, and examples
  • Ian Atkinson – United Kingdom: His YouTube channel features some great projects, how-to's, and splendid guidance
  • Eqqus Leather – United Kingdom: Another YouTube video with high finish piece of work in a really nice workshop
  • Nigel Armitage – Good tool reviews and some DIY tips
  • Corter Leather – Cape Cod – USA: Some excellent projects and guides

If you'd like to learn more about the hobby and career path of leather working, click here for my article about leather craftsmen.


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