Learn about Nest × Yale Lock History in the Nest app

The Google Nest × Yale Lock's History provides a quick overview of events that your lock detects throughout the day, such as someone locking and unlocking your door or putting it into Privacy Mode. You can tap a specific day to encounter a detailed list of all lock events.

There are two different views: a quick 10-twenty-four hours overview with the number of events that occurred and a detailed view showing each lock event on a specific day. On most days, a quick glance at the overview will proceed you lot informed about cardinal activities. If something happens that needs your attention, like the lock existence tampered with, the detailed view makes it like shooting fish in a barrel to spot exactly when the event occurred as well equally the activeness leading up to information technology. Both views capture x days of history.

How to view your lock'southward history

1. On the Nest app home screen, select your lock.

2. SelectHistoryNest protect history icon. .

You'll see a 10-day overview with the number of events and
timelines for each twenty-four hours. To keep it unproblematic, this view won't
show everything your system detected and responded to.
You'll merely see important events.

What the colors mean:

three. To see everything that happened on a detail twenty-four hour period, tap
the day.

The view will expand to show a chronological list of each activity triggered by your lock.

Nest security history screen image.

How to update the events in History

Each fourth dimension you open History, it gets updated with the latest available data. To refresh the view, tap theback arrowback arrow, then selectHistoryNest protect history icon.  to open it again with the most recent info.

Who can see History

The Owner of the Nest dwelling, as well every bit anyone who has Total access, can encounter History. People who accept Home Entry Just access will not be able to see it.

       Learn more than about Family unit Accounts>

What the icons mean

Event icons appear in your History, making it easy for you to visually scan through a item day.

nest lock icon

Door locked. Your door was locked by someone.

If it was locked past a person with Full access, so their picture
in the Nest app will evidence as the main icon with a smaller lock

Notation: If you have I Touch Locking enabled or if someone
locks the door by turning the thumb plough inside your home, you
won't know who locked the door, but you'll know when it was

nest auto lock image

Door auto-locked. Your door was automatically locked after a
certain period of time based on your settings (after 10 seconds,
1 minute, or five minutes).

unlock image

Door unlocked. Your door was unlocked by someone.

If it was unlocked past a person with Full access, then their
film in the Nest app volition prove as the main icon with a
smaller unlock icon.

Note: If someone unlocks the door by turning the thumb turn
inside your abode, you won't know who unlocked the door, merely
y'all'll know when it was unlocked.

nest lock privacy mode image

Privacy mode. Privacy mode was enabled. This disables the
keypad so no one volition be able to unlock the door using a
passcode on the keypad.

If someone has Total access, they can disable Privacy manner in
the app.

nest lock warning image.

Alarm. A triangle warning icon can mean one of 2 things:

  • Your device failed to lock or unlock
  • Someone entered likewise many wrong passcodes

Tap a specific day to get details on what the warning was

lock tamper image

Tamper. Your lock has been tampered with.

history offline image

Offline. Your lock is offline. This tin happen when your home
Wi-Fi or internet connection goes down.

Annotation: When this happens, yous are nonetheless able to lock and unlock
your device direct on the keypad using a passcode. You merely
can't employ the app.

Other icons you might see

Your lock's history will simply prove events for your lock. If you lot have Google Nest Secure, you tin see when your Nest Secure system was disarmed past someone unlocking your door in Google Nest Guard's Security History. Meet the article below for Nest Secure's event icons and what they mean.

        Acquire about Security History in the Nest app>

The following events happen less frequently, but History makes a note of them to help proceed you informed.

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