
Galaxy J7 Sky Pro Sd Card

Oct thirteen, 2020
  • #one
This question was asked earlier. I've seen the response and it doesn't piece of work. I want to listen to more than solutions. I can't believe there is no way to use the SD card as internal retentivity!!

The solution I read was going to the SD settings and format equally internal. I don't have that choice. I can just format the SD as external storage.

Apr 6, 2009
  • #8
Give thanks you Diesel, you captured my thoughts very well when I read the "What are you really trying to accomplish that requires more internal memory? " This is non a solution, but an arrogant attitude.
Non at all. Just trying to understand your needs. Good luck.

The ability to extend internal memory is not universal. Likewise, many apps may not support. In addition, SD storage is much slower than conventional internal memory.

All this aside, I would imagine that many prison cell providers disallow this feature in their Bone configs. You may have to consider rooting your phone to gain this ability. Just something to think near.

Searching on the topic yields mixed results, with the current most info I came across the least promising for a solution.

April 6, 2009
  • #2
This question was asked before. I've seen the response and it doesn't work. I desire to mind to more solutions. I can't believe there is no way to utilise the SD bill of fare as internal retention!!

The solution I read was going to the SD settings and format as internal. I don't have that selection. I tin only format the SD every bit external storage.

You tin't do this because the phone has internal memory. What are you lot really trying to achieve that requires more internal retentivity?
Oct 11, 2020
  • #3
This question was asked earlier. I've seen the response and information technology doesn't work. I want to listen to more solutions. I tin can't believe at that place is no mode to apply the SD carte du jour as internal memory!!

The solution I read was going to the SD settings and format as internal. I don't have that choice. I can just format the SD as external storage.

don't know what instructions you tried to follow only by and large if the instructions failed, then you will not exist able to motion the apps.
Oct xiii, 2020
  • #4
You can't do this considering the phone has internal memory. What are you actually trying to accomplish that requires more internal memory?
I receive messages that the internal storage memory is full all the time. I've checked the bachelor storage and in the breakdown of how the memory is allocated it shows that this is not true. The total is 16GB, but by adding up the total of documents, pictures, etc, does add less than half of that size. I accept moved everything that tin be moved (which is Not much) to the SD card and I wiped the cache, still, the available storage is negligible.
October 14, 2020
  • #5
You can't do this because the phone has internal memory. What are you actually trying to accomplish that requires more internal memory?
Uh. What? My Milky way S7 Border had "internal retention" and was completely capable of adopting an external SD card as internal storage. Recently, however I, like, the OP, accept tried to prefer the external SD of my Galaxy Notation 8 as internal/native storage using instructions posted on this website, but the instructions refer to what appears to be an obsolete option: "Format equally internal." Our simply option now appears to be "Format SD card," after which the SD is formatted, empty, and still recognized as external. So is in that location any option/method for forcing newer android devices to ADOPT an SD carte du jour as internal storage, as was possible on older android devices, such equally the S7 Edge?
Oct 14, 2020
  • #6
Uh. What? My Galaxy S7 Edge had "internal memory" and was completely capable of adopting an external SD card as internal storage. Recently, however I, similar, the OP, have tried to adopt the external SD of my Galaxy Note 8 as internal/native storage using instructions posted on this website, but the instructions refer to what appears to exist an obsolete pick: "Format equally internal." Our merely option now appears to be "Format SD card," after which the SD is formatted, empty, and still recognized as external. So is there any option/method for forcing newer android devices to Prefer an SD menu as internal storage, as was possible on older android devices, such as the S7 Edge?
And before you enquire, I use my internal storage for apps. And before yous instruct me to exercise so, I Practice motion my apps to external storage whenever possible (many apps can't exist moved), and this is a non-solution, as every time the apps need to be updated, they motility themselves back to internal storage and I run out of space over again. The solution to a storage capacity problem is not "well what do yous demand that much storage for anyway?" That's a non-solution.
Oct xiii, 2020
  • #7
And earlier you ask, I utilise my internal storage for apps. And earlier you instruct me to exercise and then, I Exercise move my apps to external storage whenever possible (many apps can't be moved), and this is a non-solution, as every time the apps demand to be updated, they move themselves back to internal storage and I run out of space over again. The solution to a storage chapters problem is non "well what practise you lot demand that much storage for anyhow?" That's a non-solution.

Thank you Diesel, you captured my thoughts very well when I read the "What are you really trying to reach that requires more internal memory? " This is not a solution, but an arrogant attitude.
Apr 6, 2009
  • #viii
Thank you Diesel, you captured my thoughts very well when I read the "What are you actually trying to accomplish that requires more than internal memory? " This is not a solution, but an arrogant attitude.
Not at all. Only trying to understand your needs. Adept luck.

The ability to extend internal retentivity is non universal. Likewise, many apps may non support. In addition, SD storage is much slower than conventional internal retentivity.

All this aside, I would imagine that many cell providers disallow this feature in their OS configs. You may have to consider rooting your phone to gain this ability. Just something to think about.

Searching on the topic yields mixed results, with the current most info I came beyond the least promising for a solution.

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